(A) Price Elasticity
i) Elasticity of Demand: Elasticity of demand
can be classified into two major divisions: one the highly elastic,
unitary elastic and the highly inelastic type and two, the extreme cases
of the perfectly elastic and the perfectly inelastic type.
a) Highly elastic, Unitary elastic and highly inelastic:
The laws of demand and supply are no doubt an important part of economic
analysis. But the knowledge about demand and supply relations serves only
a limited purpose. This is in view of the fact that both demand and supply
laws are applicable to all kinds of goods. However, an actual rise or
fall in the quantity demanded or supplied with a small variation in the
price may considerably differ for different goods such as food,
automobiles, film shows, garments, hardware materials, machines, land
etc. In other words it is important to know the extent of rise
or fall in the demand with a given change in the price for each individual
good. This is exactly the purpose served by the concept of price elasticity
of demand; this concept is advanced and subtle in nature. It was first
developed by Alfred Marshall; he has defined elasticity as follows:
Elasticity of demand is the degree of responsiveness
with which quantity demanded changes for a given change in price.
In other words it is a proportional change in the
quantity demanded to a proportional change in price.
Price Elasticity
of demand is then the ratio of the proportional change in the quantity
demanded to the proportional change in price.
Proportional change in quantity can be expressed as
q1 is the initial and q2 is the new quantity demanded.
Proportional change in price is similarly
 where P1 is initial and P2 is the
new price.
Elasticity ratio e is therefore,
If symbols q and P are used for small variations in quantity and price respectively
Note that Dq / Dp
is in the limit derivative or marginal change and p/q is the reciprocal
of average change, therefore
Let’s illustrate
this. In our demand schedule example above, when price changes from 2
to 3 units, the quantity demanded changes from 4 to 1 units. Substituting
these values we have:
Note that the elasticity ratio 3/2 is more than one and
has a negative sign. Both these are important features. Numerical values
explain the extent or degree of change in demand while the sign
of the ratio explains the direction of change. Since the law of
demand is based on the inverse relation between price and quantity, the
elasticity of demand is always stated with a negative sign.
The numerical value of elasticity can be equal to 1 (that
is called ‘unit’) more than one or less than one. In case of unit elastic
demand (e = 1) both price and quantity (demanded) changes occur in the
same proportion. If the value of elasticity exceeds one (e >
1) then the percentage or proportional change in quantity demanded is
greater than that in price and the good is said to be price elastic
or highly responsive to a change in price. If the value of elasticity
is less than one (e < 1) then the proportional change in quantity is
smaller than that in price and the demand for the good is said to be price
inelastic or not very responsive to a change in price. The information
about the value of elasticity therefore serves an important purpose in
classification of various goods as elastic or inelastic
in demand. This helps in several practical and policy applications such
as taxation, foreign trade, monopoly, price determination etc.
There are four methods of measurement of elasticity of
demand. These are percentage, proportion, outlay and
geometric or point elasticity methods. The one mentioned
last (point elasticity method) is the most accurate and can be explained
conveniently with a given demand curve:

Quantity demanded

Quantity demanded
Figure 6
In the figure,
AB is the demand curve and at any point on this, the elasticity of demand
can be measured. At points R1, R and R2 the values
of elasticity are:
At the mid point R on the demand curve, the value of
elasticity is unit or equal to one. But above point R such as at R1,
the value of elasticity is more than one and demand is highly elastic.
On the other hand at a lower point such as R2 demand becomes
inelastic as the value of elasticity is less than one. In general as we
move in the direction of the Y axis, demand becomes more and more elastic.
But as we move in the direction of the X axis, demand becomes less and
less elastic. In other words at every higher price demand is relatively
more elastic and at every lower price demand is relatively less elastic.
This also explains that elasticity of demand differs not only from commodity
to commodity but also for the same commodity at varying prices.
b) Two extreme cases: Besides the three explained
above, two more extreme values of price elasticity of demand can be included
in the analysis. These are:
(i) Perfectly Price Elastic: At this extreme,
for any small decrease in price, the increase in the quantity demanded
is infinitely large. In such a case, demanders demand all the can. Here
the demand is said to be perfectly price elastic (e = that is infinity).
This is represented graphically as a horizontal demand curve (D1
in the figure above).
(ii) Perfectly Price Inelastic: At this extreme,
for any change in price there is no change in the quantity demanded. Therefore
the demand is completely unresponsive to any change in price. In this
case the demand is said to be perfectly price inelastic (e = 0). This
is represented graphically by a vertical demand curve (D2 in
the figure above).
ii) Elasticity of Supply: Like demand, elasticity
of supply can also be classified into two major divisions: one the highly
elastic, unitary elastic and highly inelastic type and two, the extreme
cases of the perfectly elastic and the perfectly inelastic type.
a) Highly elastic, unitary elastic and highly inelastic:
Elasticity of supply can similarly be defined and computed at varying
prices and quantities supplied.
Elasticity of supply is the degree of responsiveness
with which quantity supplied changes with a given change in the price.
This can be expressed with a similar formula:
An important difference between the price elasticity
of demand and that of supply is that the latter is positive in
value (as against the negative value in case of elasticity of demand).
This is obvious from the fact that supply is a direct function
of price: and both quantity and price change in the same direction.
This will be clear from the following example. The values of ‘q’ and ‘P’
have been selected from the supply schedule given above.
The elasticity of supply also shows variations in its
value for different commodities. Accordingly supply elasticity for different
goods can be unit, (es = 1) more than one
(es > 1) or less than one (es
< 1). The goods can then be categorized as relatively elastic or inelastic
in supply. Elasticity of supply is also of considerable practical importance
in its policy applications.
b) Two extreme cases: Besides the three explained
above, two extreme values of price elasticity of supply can be included
in the analysis:
i) Perfectly Price Elastic: At this extreme
for any small decrease in price, the quantity supplied is infinitely large.
In such a case, suppliers supply all they can. Here the supply is said
to be perfectly price elastic (e = that is infinity). This is represented
graphically by a horizontal supply curve (S1 in the figure
ii) Perfectly Price Inelastic: At this
extreme for any change in price there is no change in the quantity supplied.
Therefore the supply is completely indifferent to any change in price
(e = 0). Here the supply is said to be perfectly price inelastic. This
is represented graphically by a vertical supply curve (S2 in
the figure below).
Figure 8
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